So who's feeling the "I ate too much junk over the holidays" pains?

January 3, 2022 in IBD

I always do this. I know I do it. But can't seem to not do it.

But ALL the sugar has got me all kinds of uncomfortable. I'm having a hard time emptying my jpouch, and l just feel like garbage in general. So much clenching and pushing that my lower abdomen is super sore.

Why am I like this?!

Anyone else do stuff they know will turn out poorly but do it anyway?


1 - 3 of 3 Other Answers

  • KarinLyfePatient

    I try to avoid self destructive behavior but it is hard!

    January 4, 2022
  • KatelynPatient

    Oh, I am feeling this so much right now. I feel like I ate so much junk in general over the holidays, and after a few days of that (plus the holiday stress), everything feels sluggish and not great. It's just so hard when that's the primary stuff served at holiday get togethers. I wish I had great advice on how to not do it, but I for sure don't. 😅

    January 4, 2022
  • invisibleUCPatient

    I actually didn't do to bad with this during the holidays. However, I have been eating ice cream that I usually don't but since I discovered my body acts fine with it during pregnancy I eat it but its been 10 months postpartum and uhhh yeah I hadn't went back to only eating the lactose free kind and I have whoopy cushion sounding gas and don't even care anymore. I just have been letting loose lmao!

    January 7, 2022
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