Crohn’s Disease

Multiple illnesses

Updated December 16, 2021 in Crohn’s Disease

I have Crohns Disease. Whenever it flares up, it affects my other issues like Diabetes and Osteoarthritis. I am currently on Entyvio and I don't feel like it is helping as much anymore. My a1c is shooting up because of my flare and my knee is in constant pain. Has anyone had experience dealing with multiple issues due to a flare up in IBD and what have you done to ease the flare and all the pains?


1 - 6 of 6 Replies

  • Jackie_ZExpert

    This was always my fear with UC and my MS. I did have an MS relapse during my surgeries for UC because of all the stress on my body. So far I haven't found a great way to prevent one from aggravating the other because the body is just so connected. I don't have any great insight but just to say it's hard to juggle everything and you're not alone struggling with this.

    December 16, 2021
  • MollyPatient

    I have a diagnosis of spondylitic arthritis in UC and have had back issues recently. I agree with Jackie that everything is connected and stress on the body and in life tends to be a trigger, so when one thing goes off, the others are likely to follow.

    Have you looked into MBSR(Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) it's a form of meditation that can be helpful. I have never been good about having a practice, but I did a course in it and took away some concepts that I have integrated into my life. It might be worth checking out.

    December 19, 2021
  • Jackie_ZExpert

    Can you share any info about the course?

    December 20, 2021
  • MollyPatient

    I just did a quick search and found this free online MBSR course:

    They describe it like this:

    Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a blend of meditation, body awareness, and mindful movement: learning through practice and study how your body handles (and can resolve) stress neurologically.

    It's usually an eight week course that meets once a week. There are readings, including Full Catastrophe Living, by Jon Kabat-Zinn. You practice different types of meditation. My course finished with a full day silent retreat. A lot of what I took away from the course was living in the present. You can't change the past and can't control the future, so focusing on now and what you can do now is a good way to be. It helped me with letting go of some stuff and with limiting my worries about the future.

    December 24, 2021
  • Jackie_ZExpert
    December 30, 2021
  • Wendy_LExpert
    Care Partner of Adult

    In my personal life and with many people I've known, in addition to many case studies, there is a diet, formulated by Dr. Sydney Haas in the 1920s, that can relieve or resolve these symptoms. Take a look at the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.

    December 30, 2021
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