Ulcerative Colitis

Scope prep

February 28, 2022 in Ulcerative Colitis

Weird question, but what's your favorite scope prep?


1 - 7 of 7 Replies

  • Wendy_LExpert
    Care Partner of Adult

    It IS a weird question because who in their right mind has a FAVORITE type of scope prep? :-D

    But seriously, it used to be horrible with the gallons of Miralax/Gatorade mix that used to be prescribed. Lately, though, many GIs only require clear liquid diet, a smaller quantity of laxative, and 2 Ducolax.

    February 28, 2022
  • Jackie_ZExpert

    That's what I'm saying! The scope prep has changed a lot over the last few years.

    I'm so thankful to have a Jpouch because I really don't do any prep. I just stop eating early in the day and then I'm free and clear. It's def a silver lining for the jpouch lol.

    March 2, 2022
  • IbraKPatient

    I never thought that at 25 I would have a list of my favorite clear liquids for scopes but here we are! 😂

    My first time, I made the mistake of really only drinking sports drinks but think diversifying with other clear liquids was a game changer. I experimented a lot with different broths and gave myself different flavors to enjoy throughout the process.

    College Inn is my favorite brand for broths!

    March 3, 2022
  • Jackie_ZExpert

    I couldn't drink blue gatorade for YEARS. lol. I feel you.

    March 3, 2022
  • kerrybPatient

    Before I got the j-pouch, my GI had switched me over to Clenpiq and Prepopik, and these were such a relief after years of chugging glasses of terrible prep. It seems like there's been a transition to starting the fasting earlier and offering a less repulsive cleanse - personally I'd rather starve for an extra day if it meant actually being able to swallow the prep. ;)

    March 4, 2022
  • invisibleUCPatient

    For the record, I hate scope preps! I despise having to starve and I can't stand the sight of lemon-lime gatorade. My first 2 preps over 18 years ago was traumatizing and the lemon-lime gatorade and Miralax preps were an upgrade but nonetheless it all sucks. Recently, the big gallon jug they give you with the powder mix has been more tolerable or maybe Im just used to the suffering. When its chilled its a little better. My pharmacist told me I could use a lemon koolaide packet with the solution too. So I guess that one is the "favorite" for now until they come out with something better.

    March 4, 2022
  • Jackie_ZExpert

    I haven't done prep in quite a few years, but from what I see online it does seem like they've made some major advancements in scope prep. It seems barbaric now to drink 800 cups of gross Gatorade lol.

    March 7, 2022
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