New Innovations in IBD: Coral Genomics Genetic Biomarker Testing

Care Partner of Adult
Updated December 2, 2021 in IBD

On September 14th, I sat in on Lyfebulb’s virtual Fireside Chat Series, and although there was no fireplace, it nevertheless felt comforting to see how personal dealings with chronic illness can lead to potentially lifesaving and definitely life-improving innovations. Days earlier, I had watched the live presentation of the Lyfebulb & Arena Pharmaceuticals 2021 Innovation Challenge in IBD, but being able to listen to the less formal conversation with the Winner, Atray Dixit, was heartwarming. Atray Dixit, PhD, is the Co-Founder and CEO of Coral Genomics, and he was inspired by a family member who suffered with IBD. Dr. Dixit spoke clinically and technically about his award-winning product, but simply explained, it involves a special type of genetic screening that helps identify which medications will and will not possibly work on a particular patient by identifying critical biomarkers. This will help doctors decide on best medications for their patients, with the goal of avoiding unnecessary surgeries. When I learned about this, I could not help wondering how different my own son’s life would be today if he had not had to lose his colon to ulcerative colitis back in 2012. But Coral Genomics’ specialized genetic screening tool will hopefully lead to a better future for so many who presently suffer with IBD. What do you think?

1 - 3 of 3 Replies

  • KatelynPatient

    I love this idea! When I was first diagnosed with IBD, my original GI just laid out the medication options like it was some kind of medical buffet. We didn't know what would or would not work and simply had to hope for the best. I ended up being lucky and selected a medication that has worked really well for me, but it would have been nice to have some sort of metric that would indicate which medicines would be good candidates for me as an individual instead of just guessing. This seems like a fantastic innovation for the IBD community!

    December 1, 2021
  • Wendy_LExpert
    Care Partner of Adult

    Fingers crossed that an innovation like this becomes widely available in all medical markets ASAP. 🤞

    December 1, 2021
  • KarinLyfePatient

    I love what Atray is doing / I called it the Globe in a petridish ….

    December 2, 2021
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