Mother's Day and life with IBD

May 7, 2022 in IBD

If you could ask your partner or loved ones for anything as a chronic illness mom on Mother's Day, what would you hope for?

1 - 5 of 5 Replies

  • MelodyPatient

    Oh, man. I'm not a mom, so my opinion is probably irrelevant, but I can only imagine I'd ask for a day where everyone else does acts of service for me and I'm free to nap for hours without interruption.

    May 7, 2022
  • Jackie_ZExpert

    I'd actually love to hear what you have to say @LightsCameraCrohns! I know for me (not a mom) that I get frozen with these kinds of questions because I need a day for nothing but naps and laying a bed. I need another day for cleaning the house. I need another day to do some fun stuff. I don't even know how I'd pick!

    May 9, 2022
  • KatelynPatient

    Mama here who had a Remicade infusion the day before Mother's Day this year! More than anything, I wanted to be able to sleep in and wake up naturally (no alarm or toddler questions first thing). I also wanted to have my breakfast made for me and the house all cleaned up so that I could have a day without any chores needing to be done. My husband totally delivered on this for me this year. He completely cleaned the house for me while I was at my infusion on Saturday, made sure I was able to sleep in, and brought me breakfast in bed once I was awake. As a bonus, he took me to the beach for the afternoon. I'm personally recharged by being by the water, so that was perfect.

    Overall, I really think the thing that moms (with or without chronic illnesses) want is to have a day where you can sleep and relax. And maybe some privacy in the bathroom.

    May 9, 2022
  • invisibleUCPatient

    I definitely miss waking up when I want to wake up without my children alarms that aren't set to a specific time so they happen whenever they see fit lol!

    May 10, 2022
  • invisibleUCPatient

    I like acts of service on all the things that take up to much of my energy which definitely cleaning...cleaning the house, my car, cooking, etc. I like peace and quiet because I can't get it when I want anymore either lol

    May 10, 2022
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