The transition from pediatric to adult IBD care

Updated May 4, 2022 in IBD

If you are someone who was diagnosed with IBD as a child and have transitioned to adult care from my your pediatric team--what advice/input do you have for fellow patients and caregivers when it comes to streamlining the process for everyone involved?

Here's an article I shared this week from our community, along with well-respected pediatric GI's:

The Patient Experience: Making the Leap from Pediatric-to-Adult IBD care – lights camera crohn's (lightscameracrohns.com)

1 - 1 of 1 Replies

  • Wendy_LExpert
    Care Partner of Adult

    This is a great article. As the parent of a young man with UC, who still needs my guidance because he also happens to be on the autistic spectrum and suffers other issues, I'd love to think he could take the steps you've recommended and assume responsibility for his care now at age 23. Alas, that is not in my cards.

    Apart from my personal (and perhaps irrelevant) sharing, this is an important step from dependent care to independent self-care that many have to take, with or without parental guidance. Well done, you!

    May 4, 2022
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