Was IBD your first diagnosis ?

February 17, 2022 in IBD

I am curious how many had preexisting conditions before their gut diagnosis? Or after did you have other health issues? I am asking because my cancer community is finding a lot of gut health issues.


1 - 4 of 4 Other Answers

  • Wendy_LExpert
    Care Partner of Adult

    Excellent question. In my son's case, he was previously diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum. And research shows a strong link between those with ASD and those who develop IBD.

    I believe gut issues are the root cause of so many inflammatory reactions, of which cancer could be one of those.

    February 17, 2022
  • AnnMarieOther
    February 17, 2022
  • Jackie_ZExpert

    I have MS and always assumed my gut issues were related to that because there can be some overlap. It wasn't until I started seeing blood in my stool and a very persuasive friend's encouragement that I went to see a GI.

    There can be a lot of overlap in symptoms but for me, the blood in stool is always the sign that something is probably very wrong.

    February 17, 2022
  • KatelynPatient

    IBD was my first diagnosis. I had been misdiagnosed with IBS beforehand (we still think I have that to a small degree, but 90% of my issues are actually IBD). After my IBD diagnosis, I have had a few other diagnoses, and they're pretty much all tied to my IBD. Other ones include arthritis, migraines, and abnormal PAP smears (without any indication of HPV). Plus the usual vitamin and nutritional deficiencies.

    February 17, 2022
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