Clinical Trials Curiosity

February 8, 2022 in IBD

I'm a big fan of clinical trials and I've participated in a few. Curious to who has participated in trials and if you haven't, if there is a reason why not?


1 - 2 of 2 Replies

  • Wendy_LExpert
    Care Partner of Adult

    My son has not as of yet because I've been doubtful and not trustworthy. But hopefully with my newfound connections (people like YOU @Jackie_Z and other experienced patients here on IBDLyfe), I'll find appropriate opportunities for my son.

    February 9, 2022
  • Jackie_ZExpert

    Oh that's such good news! The bummer is there isn't often a lot of trials for those of us who have had surgery, but there are still a lot of research studies that we're invited to. Less of a commitment than a clinical trial and often times much shorter. Both are great options for patients and for furthering research.

    February 9, 2022
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